Friday, August 15, 2014

Black Rose for Teri Lee

Reagan with wife, Minna and daughter, Lena
One of my most favorite of people and fellow McWriter, Teri Lee Ridlon, is getting published! Her young adult ghost story, Troubled Spirits, will be haunting bookshelves on August 21st, at Black Rose Writing, Amazon, BN, and more.

Reagan Rothe, owner of Black Rose Writing, is the person who’s making that happen. So, I conjured up a few questions for him. Turns out, his name and publishing company are slightly unique…

Does Rothe rhyme with broth or both? Or neither?
Rothe actually is pronounced “Roadie” with a little more of a “t” and “d” sound altogether. It’s a tricky one to get right the first time.

Reagan told me that in his first book, Misanthropy: Book I: The Tower, a black rose symbolized death and caused long periods of sleep. But he assured me that it’s the uniqueness of the rose that represents his publishing company.
I wanted our authors to have more open communication lines and be part of a publishing house that remained open-minded and flexible, adjusting to the changing industry and not getting left behind. Each year we have grown in one way or another, whether by adding more projects or expanding our promotion and marketing for our current projects.

What kind of stories/authors interest you?
I read a vast array of genres, ranging from fantasy to horror to sci-fi. My favorite fiction writer is George RR Martin, but I also read plenty of non-fiction books as well.

Once a manuscript reaches Black Rose Writing, then what?
Your manuscript is then reviewed by my trusted staff, looking first for clean writing and an original storyline. Depending on our release calendar, the time varies for us to respond, but is typically 2-3 months.
If accepted, we provide our authors with some valuable pre-release information and set a publication date, which is currently 4-6 months from acceptance.
We continue providing our authors information and a timeline of what to expect, and then enter production (cover design, book design, etc.) at eight weeks prior to the release.

Reagan said that they are currently accepting manuscript submissions and…
The best advice I have for writers is that when querying, they should definitely know who they are contacting. Read through the submission guidelines or learn about the publisher’s genres. It wastes both the author’s and publisher’s time when a horror writer submits blindly to a Christian book publisher.

Photo: Can't wait to order your copy of Troubled Spirits? Then don't! Order your copy before August 21st and save 10%.  Use code SPIRITS21
Order your copy of Troubled Spirits before August 21st, 2014, and get 10% off…
Just click her book (above) and use code SPIRITS21 at checkout!

Other books brought to you by Black Rose Writing:
Descent of the Gods by Mark Cosman (October 2, 2014)

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